Projects Public
Take 3 minutes to transcribe a line of data from the film collection. Make sure you have an account with Google Docs. (Although you should be able to add data to the table (s) below without one.)
1) Enter the data into the embedded table. If you cannot see the table, open the Google Docs spreadsheet button for the project. Sign in to Google Docs. You will see the editable version of the spreadsheet. Scroll down until you see the next blank line.
2) Open the original documents and transcribe a line of data.
If you need to add accents but don't have the right keyboard use

Film 1237131_Inf. Reg. 5 (Szatmarnemeti, Transylvania)
Österreich. Armee. Infanterie Regiment 05 1860-1869
Language: German
Difficulty: Moderate
Documents: Each Film has approximately 800 pages of handwritten personnel forms
Added 10 January 2019
The Default project for membership of is transcription of 60 images of data from the personnel records for Infantry Regiment 5. Instructions for obtaining membership are given on the Home page.
This publically accessible project uses a much later film in the series.
[Applicants for membership will receive a similar databases for a different film in the series. The level of difficulty is similar to this project. There are alternative membership projects available in Hungarian and old Russian Cyrillic.]
Visitors are welcome to transcribe an image an image or two.
Task: To transcribe the names of Austrian Army personnel from films of regiments connected to Transcarpathian region.
To keep this simple, DO NOT use accented letters (diacritics).
For example write 'Janos Kovacs'. DO NOT WRITE 'János Kovács'
Image Number: (Image number of the Family Search Digitized Film)
Last Name : Family Name, Surname
First Name: First Name, christian name
Comitat: Bereg(h): Ugocsa, Marmaros, Szabolcs, Ung(h), Zemplin, Zemelin, Bihar, Nord Bihar
Land (Country): Ungarn, Siebenburgen, Mahren, Bohmen, Galizien
Year of Birth:
Comments: If you need to add a comment, please write in your native language.
First Names are usually written as the German variant:
Common first names: Michael, Johann, Iwan, Juon, Karl, Paul, Stefan, Andreas
It is very rare to see Janos, Mihaly Karoly etc
Make sure you are viewing the site using GoogleChrome:
-Open the link to the Austrian Army Record database
-Open the link to the Family Search Digitized film (You will need to log into F-S)
-Choose an untranscribed image # from Column E

Osterreich Armee Films
Film 7677590_Inf. Reg. 37 (Grosswardein, Transylvania) and Inf. Reg. 38_(Lombardie, Venice)
Österreich. Armee. Infanterie Regiment 038
Language: German
Difficulty: Moderate
Documents: Each Film has approximately 400 pages of handwritten personnel forms
Added 12 November 2016
Issue: Family Search have now digitized the Austrian Military Archives collection of the surviving military personnel records for the Imperial Austrian Army. The films are arranged by regiment number. There is no index to the names in each film. Unless you know the regiment your ancestor served in it is difficult to extract useful information from this collection.
Task: To transcribe the names of Austrian Army personnel from films of regiments connected to Transcarpathian region.
Notes: Item 1 contains data for Inf. Reg. 37 that was based in the Grosswardein district [Nagyvárad HU, Orodea ROM]. Many of the names originate from either Transylvania or Maramaros varmegye. Transcription of Item 1 is now complete. The remainder of the film covers Inf. Reg. 38, which was based on the Adriatic coast. Personnel were recruited mainly from Venice and Lombardie. Therefore this regiment is outside the scope of this project.
To keep this simple, DO NOT use accented letters (diacritics).
For example write 'Janos Kovacs'. DO NOT WRITE 'János Kovács'
Image Number: (Image number of the Family Search Digitized Film)
Last Name : Family Name, Surname
First Name: First Name, christian name
Year of Birth:
Comments: If you need to add a comment, please write in your native language.
Make sure you are viewing the site using GoogleChrome:
-Open the link to the Austrian Army Record database
-Open the link to the Family Search Digitized film

Occupations and Illnesses found in records of the Carpathian region
Language: English, Romanian and Ukrainian
Difficulty: Easy -Moderate
This list of equivalent occupations and illnesses in Hungarian, German, Slovak and Latin has been abstracted from a list prepared by the Hungarian priest Bertalan Szokoloszky (based in Kassa) in 1923.
The list is arranged in order of the Hungarian spelling of the term.
The aim of this project is to expand this list to provide a reference tool that is applicable to the sub-carpathian region.
Please add English equivalent terms to the list. If you wish to add explanatory comments you may insert a comment into the relevant cell of the table.
Please add the Romanian equivalent terms to the list.
Please add the Ukraianin equivalent terms to the list either as cyrillic spelling or in transliteration.
If you think additional terms should be added, please add them to the end of the list in the appropriate column and complete as many of the other columns as you are able to.
Vorbitori de limba română: Vă rugăm să adăugați echivalente numele creștină românească la lista.
Українською мовою: Будь ласка, додайте еквівалентні українським християнські імена в список.

Rookwood Cemetery_Hungarian Section II
Language: Hungarian, or English
Difficulty: Medium
Images of graves from the Hungarian Catholic section in Rookwood Cemetery (Sydney Australia) have been uploaded onto the Billion Graves website. Please transcribe the gravestone information. Tombstone information may be written in either Hungarian or English (or a mixture of the two languages.)
You will need to have an account with Billion Graves to be able to transcribe images.
Köszönjük mindenkinek, aki részt vett ebben a projektben!!
The majority of the gravestones have been transcribed. I will let you know if I add more.

Watch this space for new projects!
Language: Hungarian, orCzech or Ukrainian or Latin
Difficulty: Easy /Medium/Tough
Take 3 minutes to transcribe a line of data from documents in the Munkacs diocese film collection