Maramaros varmegye
Greek Catholic birth, marriage,death records for Lipcse 1895-1897 from film 2385345
Tisza Kirva
Greek Catholic birth, marriage,death records for Tisza Kirva 1895-1897 from film 2267585. Tiszakirva baptisms 1838-1853 has been transcribed. You will notice that the ministers did not baptize their own children. A neighbouring priest often fulfilled this role. The spelling of surnames is not always consistent. For example 'o' and 'a' endings are used interchageably in the surnames: Chrepta-Chrepto, Folyóka-Folyóko, Dzsuga-Dzsugo. It is possible that the names are more correctly spelled with an 'a' ending.
Updated 31Jul2016
Taxpayer list 1898
The source of this document is uncertain. Assumed to be a taxpayer list from 1898. Also contains names of commissioners
Added 27April2019